B-212…The Uncommon Millionaire, Vol 2…
31 Chapters!

Your words influence the accumulation of your wealth.  This is rarely mentioned in the prosperity teaching today.  Yet, using the wrong words can get you fired or prevent you from being promoted.

It is so important to understand the power of a single word and to grasp the effect that words have on your success and prosperity.  This book will give you a whole new perspective on the impact your words can have on your wealth.


35 Pgs…31 Chp.
5.25 x 8.25


Your words influence the accumulation of your wealth.  This is rarely mentioned in prosperity teaching today.  Yet, using the wrong words can get you fired or prevent you from being promoted.

It is so important to understand the power of a single word and to grasp the effect that words have on your success and prosperity.  This book will give you a whole new perspective on the impact your words can have on your wealth.

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Book Type

Ebook, Paperback


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31 Chapters!”