B-226…How Much Is Your Mood Worth?… 7 Chapters!

Fools are everywhere in your life.  The trouble is they may not always appear like fools. You have to discern them, identify them, and avoid them.  In this teaching, Dr. Murdock addresses the subject of fools to help you salvage your energy and unclutter your life of unnecessary and wasted relationships.  This is an invaluable volume that will empower you in your struggle and survival against any fool who will try to intrude and distract you away from your focus on your Assignment.



33 Pgs…7 Chp.
5.25 x 8.25


Fools are everywhere in your life.  The trouble is they may not always appear like fools. You have to discern them, identify them, and avoid them.  In this teaching, Dr. Murdock addresses the subject of fools to help you salvage your energy and unclutter your life of unnecessary and wasted relationships.  This is an invaluable volume that will empower you in your struggle and survival against any fool who will try to intrude and distract you away from your focus on your Assignment.


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Book Type

Ebook, Paperback


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