B-223…The Greatest Businessman Who Ever Lived
…31 Chapters…82 Pages!

Your success and happiness in life depend on your willingness to help someone solve their problem. Successful people are simply problem-solvers… successful doctors, attorneys, mechanics, etc.  Jesus was a problem-solver.  He had something others needed so He solved their needs.  You are not an accident.  You are a solution to someone’s problem.  This book will help you take an inventory of your Assignment and discover what your problem-solving gift is to others.  Jesus, The Greatest Businessman Who Ever Lived, is your perfect example.


82 Pgs…31 Chp.
5.25 x 8.25


Your success and happiness in life depend on your willingness to help someone solve their problem. Successful people are simply problem-solvers… successful doctors, attorneys, mechanics, etc.  Jesus was a problem-solver.  He had something others needed so He solved their needs.  You are not an accident.  You are a solution to someone’s problem.  This book will help you take an inventory of your Assignment and discover what your problem-solving gift is to others.  Jesus, The Greatest Businessman Who Ever Lived, is your perfect example.

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Book Type

Ebook, Paperback


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…31 Chapters…82 Pages!”