B-203…Seeds of Wisdom On Bitterness…7 Chapters!

Bitterness Is An Internal And Chosen Enemy… A Thousand Times Deadlier Than Any Injustice You Experience. Your Success Is Determined By What You Are Willing To Ignore. This book could save you thousands of dollars in medical and therapy bills…. as you embrace these truths. Bitterness… a MUST-READ book for every person who has experienced rejection, betrayal, or disappointment.

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33 Pgs…7 Chp.
5.25 x 8.25


Bitterness Is An Internal And Chosen Enemy… A Thousand Times Deadlier Than Any Injustice You Experience. Your Success Is Determined By What You Are Willing To Ignore. This book could save you thousands of dollars in medical and therapy bills…. as you embrace these truths. Bitterness… a MUST-READ book for every person who has experienced rejection, betrayal, or disappointment.

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Book Type

Ebook, Paperback


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