B-213…The Uncommon Millionaire, Vol 3…
31 Chapters!

Prosperity is the most controversial subject in Christianity today.  What is Prosperity?  It is having enough of God’s provision to complete His Assignment for your life.  Prosperity increases your ability to help others, so it is critical that you talk about total prosperity.  Your words are penetrating every area of your life.  You must season every conversation with your expectations.  Tell everyone what you are expecting God to do in your life.  Your words affect God.  Your prayers ignite God.  Here is a gold mine of Wisdom for anyone seeking to be an Uncommon Millionaire.



39 Pgs…31 Chp.
5.25 x 8.25


Prosperity is the most controversial subject in Christianity today.  What is Prosperity?  It is having enough of God’s provision to complete His Assignment for your life.  Prosperity increases your ability to help others, so it is critical that you talk total prosperity.  Your words are penetrating every area of your life.  You must season every conversation with your expectations.  Tell everyone what you are expecting God to do in your life.  Your words affect God.  Your prayers ignite God.  Here is a gold mine of Wisdom for anyone seeking to be an Uncommon Millionaire.


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Book Type

Ebook, Paperback


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31 Chapters!”