B-230…The Unhurried Life…
7 Chapters!

Your Life Does Not Have To Be Chaotic. The purpose of time-management is not only productivity… but a life of peace.  In our race to achieve, we can miss the treasures that God has hidden in our present. There is a way to accomplish many tasks while maintaining an atmosphere of tranquility… here’s how.

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42 Pgs…7 Chp.
5.25 x 8.25


Your Life Does Not Have To Be Chaotic. The purpose of time-management is not only productivity… but a life of peace.  In our race to achieve, we can miss the treasures that God has hidden in our present. There is a way to accomplish many tasks while maintaining an atmosphere of tranquility… here’s how.

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Book Type

Ebook, Paperback


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7 Chapters!”