B-217…The Minister’s Topical Bible…105 Topics!

Last, a Scriptural Reference Manual…over 100 categories especially for Spiritual Leaders!  Ministers have such diverse demands upon their life…they are Coaches, Compasses, Deliverers, Harbors of Hope, Life Jackets, Mentors…and more!  Dr. Mike Murdock has invested over 43 years in full-time global ministry as a teacher and evangelist.  He has designed this book to be a master mentorship manual for Deliverers. This Scriptural Mentorship System is a gold mine for those whose Assignment is healing the wounded and setting captives free.

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401 Pgs…105 Topics
4.5 x 7.25


Last, a Scriptural Reference Manual…over 100 categories especially for Spiritual Leaders!  Ministers have such diverse demands upon their life…they are Coaches, Compasses, Deliverers, Harbors of Hope, Life Jackets, Mentors…and more!  Dr. Mike Murdock has invested over 43 years in full-time global ministry as a teacher and evangelist.  He has designed this book to be a master mentorship manual for Deliverers. This Scriptural Mentorship System is a gold mine for those whose Assignment is healing the wounded and setting captives free.

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Book Type

Ebook, Paperback


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