B-303…The Wisdom Notes of Mike Murdock 2…148 Quotes!

Your success begins in your Mind. You must constantly keep your Mind motivated and focused on your goals. This book will do just that…here are over 140 Quotations from Dr. Mike Murdock that will unlock your Success..!  Topics include Confidence, Difference, Access, Crisis, and Much More..! A motivational book to keep with you at all times for encouragement and inspiration.



49 Pgs…148 Quotes
5.25 x 8.25


Your success begins in your Mind. You must constantly keep your Mind motivated and focused on your goals. This book will do just that…here are over 140 Quotations from Dr. Mike Murdock that will unlock your Success..!  Topics include Confidence, Difference, Access, Crisis, and Much More..! A motivational book to keep with you at all times for encouragement and inspiration.


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