B-221…7 Steps To Changing Your Life…7 Chapters!

Your decisions are changing your life every day.  Many people think the Bible is a book about destiny when it is really a book about decisions.  Your decisions decide your wealth, your favor. Your decisions decide your seasons.  Every turning point in your life is because of the decisions you have made and will continue to make.  This book is not a what-to-do book.  Here is the how-to book you have been waiting for.  A wealth of common sense principles that will change your life forever.

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40 Pgs…7 Chp.
4.75 x 7.75


Your decisions are changing your life every day.  Many people think the Bible is a book about destiny when it is really a book about decisions.  Your decisions decide your wealth, your favor. Your decisions decide your seasons.  Every turning point in your life is because of the decisions you have made and will continue to make.  This book is not a what-to-do book.  Here is the how-to book you have been waiting for.  A wealth of common sense principles that will change your life forever.

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Book Type

Ebook, Paperback


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